Articles on: Sending Messages

Sending Messages

Your audience is diverse - meaning that they probably differ in at least 3 ways when it comes to you communicating with them:

Favorite communication channel
Currently, we support 3 channels (the MessageSpring app, email and SMS).

If you want to know if MessageSpring is effective, imagine that you're going to write a message to a friend in email and in the language that you both speak. With MessageSpring our goal was to make it just as simple to compose a single message in any language and send it to millions of people who all prefer different languages and deliver that message to everyone in their channel and in their language. As Elon Musk famously said, let that sink in.

Preferred language
We support 140 languages. Google Translate can't even say that. Neither can IBM Watson nor Amazon Translate nor Microsoft Azure. How do we do it? We're not telling.

Sending the messages on their way is just the first step. And, we hope that you can see that we've engineered a clever way to balance your efforts with your audience's needs.

But, wouldn't it be nice to know how engaged your audience is or how effective your channels are at delivering your messages to the intended audiences? That's where MessageSpring metrics come in. We can show you who's received and read your messages regardless of whether they've subscribed to you with our MessageSpring app, SMS or email.

To see more on metrics, please see the article entitled What are delivery metrics?

Topics of interest
Ok, so we've covered channels and languages. Those are key. But, to help you prevent over-communicating with your audience and causing them to flee, MessageSpring empowers you and your subscribers to find that perfect balance. You might think that you're Shakespeare and everyone wants to hear everything that you have to say. But, in reality, they might only want to know when trash pickup day is or when the golf course is closed.

To see more on this, please visit our article on Topics.

Updated on: 27/01/2023

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